公交车验票机 |
时间:2021-09-30 10:04:04 点击: 次 |
Axiomtek manufactures incredibly small form factor Pico-1TX embedded platforms for embedded field application and mobile devices, One of our customers integrated our Pico-TX board, the PiC0820into the development of their bus ticket machine due to its extremely sma footprint low power consumption and best performance- perwat.in such small rugged form facto the PiCO820 provides the bus ticket machine a full set of /0 features, sufficient system memory and +5V only power input for target applications The machine was designed to cater towad the needs of the bus driver a small footprint was required to fit the machine in the bus driver's area while at the same time be ergonomically positioned to allow for easy issuing of tickets from the machine The portable machine also had GPS, enabling the owner of the bus to know where the bus is at any moment and how many tickets were issued 0ur Pico-Tx SBC met the requitements of customization service, long term support.performance,low power expansibility,and compacsize given by the customer |
上一篇:铁路车辆应用 下一篇:铁路智能安全监控系统 |
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